What are the Conditions of Votive Sacrifice

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What are the Conditions of Votive Sacrifice

It is the sacrifice that a Muslim promises to God if her wish comes true

A vow sacrifice is a sacrifice that a Muslim promises to Allah if a wish comes true. A vow sacrifice is different from other types of sacrifices because a person vows a vow of their own free will. The conditions for a vow sacrifice can be summarized as follows:
1. It must be a vow:
The vow must be made by the person as a promise to Allah. The person vows with an expression such as "If this or that of mine comes true, I will sacrifice for the sake of Allah."
2. The Votive Offering Must Be for a Valid Purpose:
The vow must be tied to a legitimate condition or event. It is invalid to vow for something that is haram or against religion. For example, it can be a legitimate purpose such as passing an exam or recovering from an illness.
3. The Sacrifice to be Slaughtered Must Be from Sacrificial Animals:
The vow sacrifice must be from animals that are qualified as sacrificial animals such as sheep, goats, cattle or camels. In order for the animal to be considered a sacrifice, its age and health must also meet the conditions for sacrifice.
The sheep and goats must be at least one year old, the cattle must be at least two years old, and the camel must be at least five years old.
4. The Votive Offering Must Be Fulfilled:
After the vow is made, the person must fulfill this vow. Not fulfilling the vow is a sin.
5. The Condition of Benefiting from the Meat:
The person who made the vow and his/her first degree relatives (mother, father, spouse, children) cannot eat the meat of the votive sacrifice. The meat must be distributed to the poor and no material gain should be made from this vow. Distributing it to those who are not poor does not fulfill the conditions of the votive sacrifice either.
6. The Condition of Time:
If the vow is tied to a specific time or event, the sacrifice must be sacrificed when that condition is met. The sacrifice is not sacrificed before the condition is met.
Since the votive sacrifice is a voluntary act of worship, it is not mandatory to make the vow. However, once the vow is made, it becomes obligatory to sacrifice the sacrifice.
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