Who Sacrifices the Votive Sacrifice?

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Who Sacrifices the Votive Sacrifice?

Votive sacrifice, fulfillment of a wish called vow in Islam

Votive sacrifice is known as the fulfillment of a wish called vow in Islam. A vow is a commitment made to fulfill a wish or to get closer to God. People who want to make a vow usually state their intentions clearly and fulfill their vow when they meet a certain condition.
There are no rules specific to a particular group in Islam regarding who should sacrifice the votive sacrifice. In other words, the duty of sacrificing a vow may fall on every Muslim. However, it is important for the person who wants to make a vow to sacrifice in accordance with Islamic rules. The rules to be followed during sacrifice are determined by the Islamic religion. Slaughtering a sacrifice in accordance with these rules is important for the sacrifice to be accepted. It is an important responsibility to act in accordance with Islamic conditions during the sacrifice, consult authorized persons and perform the slaughter correctly.
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