African Orphanage Sweet Treats

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African Orphanage Sweet Treats

If a person caresses the head of an orphan ...

A person who protects his own orphan or an orphan belonging to someone else and I will be side by side in Paradise like this. "The narrator of the hadith, Malik Ibn Anas, pointed his middle finger with his index finger, as the Prophet did. (Muslim, Zühd 42.)
"If a person caresses the head of an orphan just for the sake of Allah, there is reward for every hair touched by his hand". (Ahmed ibni Hanbel, Musnad, V, 250.)
"If a person takes an orphan among the Muslims to his house to feed him and drink, Allah will definitely put him in Paradise, unless he commits an unforgivable crime." (Tirmidhi, Birr 14.)
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
"I and the widow with pale cheeks, we will be together like two fingers side by side on the Day of Judgment. This woman of status and beauty has been widowed by her husband. She has devoted herself to her orphans, and this continued until they got married or died." [(Ibn Malik (R.A) Abu Dawud (R.A)]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said:
"Satan can never come close to the table of those who have orphans at their tables." [Abu Mûsa (R.A) Tabaranî (R.A)]
"If a person takes an orphan from his relative or someone else under his responsibility until the orphan saves him, Paradise will be wajib for that person." [Ravi: Hz. Adiyy Ibni Referee (R.A.)]
"Allah does not treat three people on the Day of Judgment; He does not treat them and there is a painful torment for them: The teacher who crushes the orphan while he teaches, the one who begs when he is not needed, the man who flatters the sultan to beg." [Ravi: Hz. Ibni Abbas ((R.A))
The two are the most distant from Allah among the people: First, he sits in the council of the hope and confirms them in his words of cruelty. The other is the teacher of the children. But it does not make them all equally equal. And he does not fear God regarding the right of the orphan. [Ravi: Hz. Abu Umame (R.A)]
Do you like your heart to soften and your hate to be seen? Have mercy on the orphan, oxen his head and eat him what he eats. Your heart will soften and you will reach its habit [Ravi: Hz. Ebud Derda (R.A)]
Fear Allah regarding prayer. Fear Allah regarding prayer. Fear Allah regarding prayer. Also fear God about your slaves. So fear God about both weaknesses; Widow and orphan child. [Ravi: Hz. Enes (R.A)]
The most beloved house to Allah is the house in which an orphan is served. [Ravi: Hz. Ibni Omer (R.A)]


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