Be instrumental in the distribution of the Quran in Africa

Afrikada Kuran Dağıtımına Vesile Olun

Be instrumental in the distribution of the Quran in Africa

With the Distribution of the Quran in Africa, You Can Be Able to Good Situations!

Unfortunately, today, people have serious difficulties at some points due to the policy situation created by large, international states. Africa comes to mind first when it comes to thirst, hunger and hot weather. Thanks to the assistance of orphanages in Africa or the opening of a water well in Africa, the physiological needs of the people there are met, albeit a bit.
The situations of people fighting for their lives are very serious at this point. They are unable to even think of any entertainment phase. Priority is the stomach they cannot feed or their current illnesses. Living standards can reach situations that cannot be compared with other countries. With the seizure of the points where the state can generate income, the citizens cannot benefit.
With the opening of water wells in Africa, the water needs of individuals are met. Well, how would you like to be instrumental in good situations with the distribution of the Koran in Africa? The Quran is the holy book of the Muslim world. There are Muslims in a serious part of the African region, especially as a result of the expeditions and seizures made during the Ottoman period. These Muslims try to fulfill their worship, no matter how difficult the circumstances.
How can I find the Holy Qur'an comfortably in a country where even water is hard to find? Of course, there is no such thing as comfort. However, you can meet this need of people with a single action. Undoubtedly, the reward you will receive will be separate, as you will help their reward. Distribution of the Quran in Africa is carried out one by one. You can reach as many scriptures as you want. Thus, you will ensure the continuity of Islam.
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