Verses and Hadiths About Sacrifice
Important verses and hadiths about sacrifice
The worship of sacrificing an animal has an important place in Islam and there are some verses in the Holy Quran and the Prophet Muhammad on this subject. There are hadiths of the Prophet (pbuh). Here are the important verses and hadiths about sacrifice:
Verses of the Quran:
Surah Hajj (22:36-37): "Mention the name of Allah in your worship. These (your sacrificial animals) are all animals that Allah has given you as sustenance. So obey Him and fear Him. Indeed, Allah "He is the possessor of severe torment."
Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Whoever comes to me to sacrifice (a sacrifice), the value of his wealth and blood will not reach him. Only a pest (mosquito or housefly) remains for him. When blood is shed, it is accepted in the sight of Allah. A squinty-eyed camel "It is like slaughtering a camel (leaving the offal behind)." (Tirmidhi)
Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "Man has never sent anything more beloved to Allah than the meat of the sacrifice sacrificed on the day of Eid. There is nothing more beloved in the afterlife than the nail of the victim. This is a pure charity." (Ibn Mace)
Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) said: "If a person has the strength to sacrifice but does not sacrifice, he should not approach our place of prayer." (Ahmed Ibn Hanbel)
In these verses and hadiths, it is emphasized that the importance of sacrifice is an expression of getting closer to Allah, giving alms, obedience and respect. It is also stated that sacrificing a sacrifice should be done with the intention of charity and devotion to Allah, not for its material value. The sacrifice is sacrificed to show Muslims' loyalty, gratitude and piety to Allah.