What is the Ruling of the Worship of Sacrifice?
It is obligatory for a Muslim to sacrifice the animal on Eid al-Adha.
According to our religion, it is obligatory for every Muslim who is mentally healthy, has reached puberty, has met basic needs, and has the necessary amount of property, regardless of whether a year has passed or not, to sacrifice the animal on the days of Eid al-Adha.
Sacrifice is an important religious ritual in Islam and is widely practiced among Muslims. The ruling on the sacrifice of sacrifice has been determined by Islamic jurists (jurists) based on religious sources. According to Islamic law, the provisions of sacrificial worship are as follows:
Sacrifice as an Obligatory: Sacrifice is considered fard (wajib) for rich Muslims. However, many Islamic scholars have stated that it is an act of worship that is encouraged for poor Muslims to sacrifice as much as they can afford.
Time for Slaughter: Sacrifice is performed on the 10th, 11th and 12th days of the month of Dhul-Hijjah in the Islamic calendar, known as Eid al-Adha. The sacrifice is performed after the Eid prayer.
Sacrificial Animals: Animals designated for sacrifice are generally bovine animals such as sheep, goats, cattle or camels. The sacrificial animal must have a certain age, health and qualifications.
Place of Slaughtering the Sacrifice: The sacrifice must be slaughtered by an authorized and expert butcher in accordance with Islamic procedures. The slaughtering place of the sacrifice must also comply with certain conditions.
Distribution of the Meat of the Sacrifice: The meat of the sacrificed animal is divided into three, some of it is distributed to those in need, some is shared with relatives and neighbors, and some is reserved for the sacrificer's own family.
Sacrifice by the Poor: Poor Muslims are also encouraged to sacrifice, but if their financial situation is unfavorable, this worship ceases to be obligatory and becomes a voluntary worship.
These provisions are generally accepted views in Islamic law. However, there may be some differences depending on the sects. For this reason, people should act by taking advice according to their own sect and consulting religious scholars regarding sacrifice.