What is Sacrifice

Kurban Nedir

What is Sacrifice

Sacrifice is worship that is a means of getting closer to Allah. Worship to get closer to Allah and obtain His consent.

Sacrifice is a form of worship that is a means of getting closer to Allah. Sacrifice is the act of properly slaughtering an animal that meets certain conditions, with the intention of worship, in order to get closer to Allah and obtain His consent.
Sacrifice is the process of dedicating and slaughtering animals of a certain age, health and qualifications to God, to be slaughtered in the periods determined by the Islamic religion. Sacrifice is one of the five fundamental prayers of Islam and an important religious ritual for Muslims. Sacrifice is performed to express gratitude to God, to give alms, as part of worship and to share wealth.
Sacrifice is mentioned in the Quran, the holy book of Islam, and in the Prophet Muhammad. It is stated in the hadiths of Muhammad (pbuh). On Eid al-Adha (Eid al-Adha or Eid al-Adha), Muslims sacrifice animals to show their submission and loyalty to Allah. This worship is also performed as a commemoration of the Prophet Abraham's consent to sacrifice his son Ishmael upon the command of Allah. However, in Islam, the incident ended with the sending of a ram by Allah instead of the sacrifice of Prophet Ishmael.
Animals such as sheep, goats, cattle or camels are generally preferred for sacrifice. During the sacrifice, the animal's throat is cut and its meat is shared with those in need. The meat slaughtered in this way is distributed to those in need such as the poor, orphans and the needy, thus encouraging social solidarity and cooperation.
Sacrifice is considered an important religious responsibility among Muslims and emphasizes Islam's values of solidarity, loyalty and humanitarianism. This worship is seen as an expression of faith in Allah and aims to contribute to the spiritual and social development of Muslims.
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